The 88th workshop of the Steel Strip Society began with a plenary session at 9:30 a.m. on April 24, 2023, in the presentation room of the Best Western Hotel Vista, Ostrava-Zábřeh. The guarantor of the workshop Ing. Jiří Sládek welcomed everyone present and introduced the director of Strojírny Kladno Ing. Jaromír Vratil.
The plenum agreed without comments to the following program:
- Opening of the 88th workshop
- Acquaintance with the program of the 88th working seminar, Control of participation
- Speech by the director of Strojírny Poldi
- Changes in membership
- Evaluation of the 87th workshop
- Information on the activities of the executive board for the last period since the 87th autumn seminar
- Coffee break
- Financial report 2022, budget proposal for 2023, review report
- Preparation of the 89th winter seminar
- WWW pages of the Society
- Discussion and Miscellaneous (cancellation of Conference 2023)
- Organizational instructions for other parts of the workshop
The plenary meeting of the Steel Strip Society accepted three new members:
Ing. Gabriel Horváth, who currently works at USSK in the position Head of Operation on the Hot Rolling Mill. Mr. Horváth has been working at the Hot Rolling Mill since 1996, he has many years of experience with the forming process and operation management. During his working career, he worked in the position of operator of the finish part, Hot Rolling Mill Coordinator and since 2020 he has been in the position of Head of Hot Rolling Mill.
Mr. Robert Mokroš, who works at Liberty Ostrava in the position of head of operations at the Strip Rolling Mill. Robert Mokroš joined the then NHKG in 1988 and went through various positions from operator of rollin mill, shift foreman, technologist, to the current head of Steckel’s rolling mill. He has rich professional and managerial experience and we believe that he will bring a new breath of fresh air to Steel Strip Society.
Ing. Marcel Bugaj, who also works at Liberty Ostrava in the position Head of Operations of the Dividing Service Centrum. Ing. Bugaj joined what was then Nová Huť in 1991 and went through various positions from operator, shift foreman, technologist, process engineer to the current head of operations. During his internship, he also gained rich professional and managerial experience, which he will certainly like to enrich the Steel Strip Society.
The expert part of the 88th workshop took place on April 25, 2023 in the afternoon in the Best Western Hotel Vista lecture room. Seminar guarantor Ing. Jiří Sládek started the afternoon lecture block, during which the following lectures were presented:
- 1. Production of cylinders for hot rolling in Vítkovické slévárny, spol s r.o. Ing. Tomáš Válek
- 2. Participation and perspective of surface treatment of working cylinders. Ing. Tomáš Tuťko, Neo Industries
- 3. Causes reducing the service life and usability of cylinders. Ing. Jiří Fingerhut, CSc., Strojírny Poldi, a.s.
- 4. Possibilities of further use of worn cylinders in rolling mills. Ing. Jiří Sládek, Strojírny Poldi, a.s.
The social evening took place at the Best Western Hotel Vista.
We celebrated and reminded the life anniversary of our members:
- Doc. Ing. Václav Machek, CSc. – 85 years old
- Ing. Václav Novák – 80 years old
- Ing. Přemysl Kunčický – 75 years old
- Ing. Vladimir Toman – 70 years old
- Ing. Miroslav Křiva – 70 years old
- Ing. Daniel Hajduk, Ph.D. – 65 years old
- Ing. Norbert Kubík, MBA – 50 years old
As is customary at the seminars of the Steel Strip Society, the evening was accompanied by an informal conversation between guests and members.
The traditional excursion took place on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, with the joint departure of all seminar participants by bus to the company Vítkovické slévárny, the Roll Foundry division.
The Roll Foundry division specializes in the production of work rolls for hot rolling mills using centrifugal casting technology using licensed Gontermann-Peipers technology. Annual production ranges between 6,000-7,000 tons of cylinders.
The materials of the working layer of the cylinders are produced in the entire required range (high chrome cast iron, cast iron with an indefinite hardened layer, tool steel, high-speed steel, ductile iron) and are continuously innovated and meet the most stringent market requirements.
The tour was focused on the place in which the construction of the unique technology of centrifugal casting of cylinders was completed in 1989 and the production of double-layer cylinders under the license of Gontermann Peipers was started.
The remaining time before lunch was used for a tour of the area of Dolní Vítkovice .
The final lunch took place at the Best Western Hotel Vista restaurant, where the President of the Society thanked the guarantor for the preparation and implementation of the workshop and ended the workshop.