The plenary session of the 89th workshop of the Society of Steel Strips was opened by the President of the Society Ing. Martin Špok at 10:00 on 3/10/2023 in the meeting room of the SEPETNÁ hotel. The seminar was attended by 27 physical and 13 legal members of the Company. 10 senior members of the Company attended the meeting. The seminar was also attended by 3 guests from the professional public.
The plenum agreed without comments to the following program:
• Opening of the 89th working seminar
• Acquaintance with the program of the 89th working seminar, control of participation
• Memory of Ing. Josef Bořuta, CSc.
• Changes in membership
• Information on the activities of the executive board for the last period since the 88th autumn seminar
• Evaluation of the 88th workshop
• Preparation of the 90th post-winter seminar
• Preparation of elections for the SOP executive board, election of the election commission
• 50th anniversary of the Steel Strips Society
• Discussion and Misc
• Organizational instructions for other parts of the seminar
During the seminar, membership cards of the Society of Steel Strips and statutes were handed over to new members Mr. Gabriel Horváth, Mr. Robert Mokroš and Ing. To Marcel Bugaj.
The professional part of the 89th workshop took place on October 3, 2023 in the afternoon in the lecture room of the Sepetná hotel. The guarantor of the seminar and the president of the Steel Strip Society Ing. Martin Špok started the afternoon lecture block, during which the following lectures were presented:
Filip Hájek, Steel Union
The Green Deal, or the inevitable transformation of European steel mills
Ing. Norbert Kubík, MBA, US Steel Košice a.s.
On the way to making steel with a lower carbon footprint. 2023
Ing. Ivo Chmelík, GO Steel a.s.
GO Steel a.s. and Carbon footprint
Ing. Emerich Místecký, Client Technical Support Manager, ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products TCT Region East
The role of steel in the transition to carbon neutrality, a tough challenge or an opportunity?
Martin Pavliska, HENNLICH s.r.o., Lechler GmbH
New trends in the descaling process: economic advantage and environmental responsibility
The topicality of the topic, especially in Filip Hájek’s lecture, caused discussion already during the performance. All five lectures brought a specific perspective on the topic of steel strip production from the ideas of European Union regulations and the mechanisms by which it will be implemented. Furthermore, through the approach, the outlook responds to current and future requirements, including investments in green steel production. And at the end, the possibilities of investigating and reducing the ecological load were shown on a concrete example from practice.
The social evening took place in the restaurant of the Sepetná hotel.
We celebrated the life anniversary of our members:
• Prof. Ing. Ivo Schindler, CSc. – 65 years old
• Ing. Jiří Sládek – 65 years old
• Ing. Karol Hála, CSc. – 70 years
• Ing. Miloslav Kiša – 70 years old
• Engineer Ivo Chmelík – 60 years old
As is customary at the seminars of the Steel Steel Society , the evening was accompanied by an informal conversation between guests and members. The musical side of the social evening was traditionally provided by Doc. Ing. Václav Machek, CSc., supported by the vocals of the Society’s members.
The traditional excursion took place on Wednesday, October 4. 2023. The participants equipped themselves with protective equipment at the Liberty Ostrava headquarters and transferred to the bus to enter the campus.
The first part of the excursion was led by Mr. Robert Mokroš. The tour of Steckel’s rolling mill began at the contility in front of the heating furnace. The tour continued along the material flow, visiting the step furnace cabin, track cabin, cylinder exchange workshop, paddock. Unfortunately, at the time of the excursion, the electricity was failure of 1 stool, so everything is just an explanation without a practical example.
The excursion then continued through the halls of the former P800 hot line. The following sections were gradually traversed: Siemag longitudinal dividing line, ŽDAS longitudinal dividing line – in operation, Wean-Damiron profiling line, Novastilmec transverse line, warehouses. During the tour, Ing. Bugaj discussed the history, present and future of this Liberty Ostrava production section with the tour participants.
The final lunch took place in the lounge of the Kovák Hotel, where the President of the Society thanked the members of the Society for their participation and the members of the Committee for their preparation and officially ended the seminar.